miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

True story

Words that I use:

1. Swimming pool                                                                   4. Puppy

2. Email                                                                                   5. Old man

3. Supermarket                                                                        6. Dinner

I was going to the swimming pool in my grandpa's house. It was a very sunny and hot summer day, when suddenly, I received an email from my sister who was in a supermarket doing the shopping. She found an abandoned puppy near the shop and she asked me if we could look after it. Obviously, I said "yes!". Inmeddiattly, I ran into my house but, when I opened the door, an old man called me. He asked me if I had seen an abandoned puppy because it was his grandchild's pet. Finally, when my sister arrived, we gave the puppy to the old man and we invited him and his grandchild to dinner together.

1 comentario:

  1. Be careful with:

    -"inmeddiattly" = "immediately" (l.4)

    Very good writing!

    Grade: 9,75
