miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

A film review (EOI)

The film "The Book Thief" is based on the book by Markus Zusak. The film was directed by Brian Percival. It stars Sophie Nélisse as Liesel Meminger and Nico Liersch as Rudy Steiner, her best friend. The film and the book won eleven Oscars in 2006, 2007 and 2009 for Best Book, Best Film of the year and Best Screenplay.
This film is set in Alemania in the 1939s and 45s and it was filmed on location in Alemania and in USA.
The film is about a nine-year-old German girl called Liesel who was given up by her mother to live with Hans and Rosa Hubermann in a small town of Molching, before the World War II. On their way to Molching, Liesel's young brother died and she was traumatized but, Hans brings her comfort and helps her learn to read, starting with a book Liesel took from the cementery where her brother was buried. On her life in Molching, she befriends a neighborhood boy called Rudy, who falls in love with her; and goes every day to the mayor's wife, Ilsa Hermann, library to read her books. Later, she protects a boy called Max, who was persecuted, and they became close friends. But, when Hans publicly gives bread to an old man being sent to a concentration camp, Max must leave and Hans is drafted into the military. A few days later, the war started and only Liesel and Max survives. She went on to live a long life and died at an old age.
I really recommend "The Book Thief". It has action, romantic and also sad moments, and an important message of the narrator, which is the Death: "Death will come to us all". The film doesn't have sequels but the book is also good too.

Women's rights

According to some people, men has always been superior to women because they are stronger, more intelligent and more serious than womem. However, that is not true because other people think that women are more superior than men.
Along history, it seems to me that women has always had a lot of difficulties because they didn't have nearly any rights. While Middle Age, women only had two housetasks: cleaning the house and look after the child.
But the most important moment for women was during the Workers Revolution, when women went on strike to rearch more rights, like voting or working in other works. Stands out women like Rosa Luxemburgo and Marie Wollstonecraft.
In conclusion, I think that women have to be similar as men because both are humans and they should have the same rights, opportunities and works.

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017


A famous person that I greatly admire is Rumiko Takahashi, who was born on 10 October 1957 in Niigara (Japan).
At first, she was interested in chemistry so she went to the university in Japan. During that period of time, she love drawing characters of books in her free time and one day her father, who is the director of an editorial company, convince her daughter doing the cover of his magazines. As soon as the magazines were released, she became very popular.
Later, she created a company of "mangakas" named "Rumic World" which works with books called "manga". Her most important book is "Ranma 1/2", which tells about a boy called Ranma, who is cursed, and he has to get marry with Akane, an aggressive girl. Like most other "mangakas", Rumiko went to another university to learn the "Chibby" tecnique, which is essencial for writting mangas.
What I admire most about Rumiko is that she is very creative and her ideas are very original. Thanks to that, she is now the most famous "mangaka" in Japan and also, her most important book "Ranma 1/2" has a TV series, which I love a lot. I hope that she continues doing more spectacular mangas because they make me laugh a lot!

Gabriela Higuera 1G

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

My first day

There was a day 13 years ago when I went to school the first time. I was very excited and I wanted to make a lot of friends as soon as possible.
I remember clearly my class. There was big and it had a closet with a picture of a smurf. I also remember my teacher, Susana. She was very kind with me and she was always playing with me, because I was very shy and I felt very nervous when I tried to make new friends. I also remember when it was my birthday. I was in class and while the teacher was helping a little boy, I painted the picture of the smurf with a permanent. When the teacher looked at the picture, she was very angry with me and we didn't celebrate my birthday.
During my first day, I made good Friends with both teachers and students. I've never forgotten that time and even now I'm still in touch with Susana. It was a special time for me.

True story

Words that I use:

1. Swimming pool                                                                   4. Puppy

2. Email                                                                                   5. Old man

3. Supermarket                                                                        6. Dinner

I was going to the swimming pool in my grandpa's house. It was a very sunny and hot summer day, when suddenly, I received an email from my sister who was in a supermarket doing the shopping. She found an abandoned puppy near the shop and she asked me if we could look after it. Obviously, I said "yes!". Inmeddiattly, I ran into my house but, when I opened the door, an old man called me. He asked me if I had seen an abandoned puppy because it was his grandchild's pet. Finally, when my sister arrived, we gave the puppy to the old man and we invited him and his grandchild to dinner together.

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

The divorce

Many people think that divorce is good because it is an easy way to break out with someone. Studies show that the 40% of the couples are divorced, the other 20% are a happy couple, and the other 20% there are bad behaviour between them.
In my opinion many of the couples that are divorced are teenagers. This is because they want to get married very early and some of them want to have babies. Personally, I think that it is better to take your time and choose the correct person.
On the other hand, there are couples that have a bad behaviour. Normally, it is the man who hurts the woman but, sometimes they just have a lot of arguments between them. This situacions are difficult, especially for children because they don't understand why they are angry and sometimes think that is their fault.
To sum up, I personally think that divorce is good if you don't love the other person or if you think that there are bad behaviour between their. Although people who are divorced say that there is a lot of time, maybe you will find your true love.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Comparing pictures: C, D

Both photos show a lot of people having fun in different places: a savannah and a lake. The photos are similar in that way but, as you can see in photo C, people are relaxed, playing in the sand and some of them are swimming. On the other hand, in photo D people are more excited and enjoying the moment.
I think that the two pictures were taken in summer because people travel to a lot of places, some of them are places with water like beachs or lakes, and some of them travel to exotic places like Africa. So, the photos are similar in that way too.
In my opinion, I'd prefer to be in the first place because it's so relaxing and comfortable but, the second place are very cool too.