viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

The divorce

Many people think that divorce is good because it is an easy way to break out with someone. Studies show that the 40% of the couples are divorced, the other 20% are a happy couple, and the other 20% there are bad behaviour between them.
In my opinion many of the couples that are divorced are teenagers. This is because they want to get married very early and some of them want to have babies. Personally, I think that it is better to take your time and choose the correct person.
On the other hand, there are couples that have a bad behaviour. Normally, it is the man who hurts the woman but, sometimes they just have a lot of arguments between them. This situacions are difficult, especially for children because they don't understand why they are angry and sometimes think that is their fault.
To sum up, I personally think that divorce is good if you don't love the other person or if you think that there are bad behaviour between their. Although people who are divorced say that there is a lot of time, maybe you will find your true love.

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

Comparing pictures: C, D

Both photos show a lot of people having fun in different places: a savannah and a lake. The photos are similar in that way but, as you can see in photo C, people are relaxed, playing in the sand and some of them are swimming. On the other hand, in photo D people are more excited and enjoying the moment.
I think that the two pictures were taken in summer because people travel to a lot of places, some of them are places with water like beachs or lakes, and some of them travel to exotic places like Africa. So, the photos are similar in that way too.
In my opinion, I'd prefer to be in the first place because it's so relaxing and comfortable but, the second place are very cool too.

Describing a picture: D

As yo can see, this photo shows some people taking photos of two leopards. It looks like they are in a safari because there will be more wild animals like the leopards near.
I suppose that they are a family (one of them has a binocular) and maybe the safari is in Africa because they are in a savannah. The atmosphere is very friendly, all are enjoying the trip and they all seem to be taking a lot of interesting photos.
In my opinion, this photo is very cool and interesting because all are happy and the leopards are in an unusual angle. I have never been in a safari and seeing this, I probably go one day because it seems very funny.